Sunday, August 8, 2010

humidity. and stupidity.

i forgot how humid it is in the south. i mean really, it's like swimming in the water in the air. i love summer nights, but i love them more in rexburg because it's just dry and cool at night, and you can just play and play and not feel disgusting! but i still love you south carolina.

video of the week:
i really am not a huge fan of cats, i don't hate them, i just don't love them.
but all of me loves this kitten right here.

food of the week:
in spain we went out to dinner at this outdoors restaurant one night, it was beautiful. our appetizer was very crunchy potato chips and anchovies maybe? it was so delicious. strangely enough none of my friends liked it, so i ate this entire plate. love spain.

book of the week:
harry potter, the first part of the final movie premieres november 19th. i'm a fan. and i'm reading the final book now, and not right before so i'm not disappointed. i think the first time i read it in about 24 hours, but i'm taking my time this read around. i love harry potter.
watch the trailer!

car of the week:
oh italy. how wondrous all of the cars in your country are. you car, just look like pea soup. you're like a...van...and a car...and a van. i still like you.

art of the week:

this piece is called 'falling garden' and was made by gerda steiner and jorg lenzlinger, two german artist. it's a piece from their 9 parts entitled 'brainforests'

musician(s) of the week:
the xx.
i don't like this band's name. but i do like their music.
they're a three piece from london. it's just crisp and clean and techno-ish. i like them. here's one of my favorites, VCR.

creation of the week:
cake box recipe book.

i just made some funfetti cupcakes and then turned the box into a recipe book. i did a long stitch on the sides. it's actually quite easy to make.

blog of the week:
nienie dialogues.
this is a blog of a young mother in utah who was severely burned in a plane crash with her husband. over 80% of her body was burned. she was once a beautiful lady, and she kept a cute blog about the joys of motherhood, and after the accident has been able to keep it up. she was on oprah a while back. i just love her story, and her style.

shoe of the week:
watermelon vans. amazing. i don't think i could ever have these fruits on my foot. but i think they're adorable.

side note:
i have been cleaning from 8 am to 1 pm, and then 5 to 10 pm. every. day. i've cleaned the usc apartments for college kids, and gee, they're are some gross kids out there. but no worries, i've been making $20 a day. and so my paycheck soon will be about the same, if not more, than all i'll earn working at mellow mushroom this fall. i'm finally home, living with my family, and i love it. i don't miss roommates at alllll.


Danna said...

Yay for nienie dialogues! And yay for family and south Carolina. can't wait for january!! :)

mary had a... said...

i love your blog and your style too :) you are just lovely!

girlfacedana said...

anchovies are in Caesar dressing.