Wednesday, July 21, 2010

goodbye rexburg.

i've decided that my blog needs more ness. so i've decided to add two more 'of the weeks'.
i finished my last day of school today, and then sat down and spent far too long checking up on all my favorite blogs that i've missed so much this semester. i've decided to include a 'blog of the week' with links so that all my favorite blogs could maybe become your favorites.
i also sprained/crushed my foot a week or so ago and since then have only been able to wear my blue everyone-has-a-pair sandals from target so as not to hurt my foot more. this has made me miss shoes. i've also started up a pretty large wish list of shoes to buy once i..have money this fall from working. so, here we go, 'shoes of the week'. i might even get a little crazy and put attractive guy's shoes on here as well. maybe some heels too, although i don't own a pair.
here i go. watch my speed.

video of the week:
my beloved arcade fire is coming out with a new album, called suburbs. i'm excited, and so i'm posting my favorite and simplest arcade fire video.

food of the week:

in austria we went to naschmarket, a flee/farmers market type place. i bought this pink pedifore dessert, it was delicious. it was better than any of the southern pedifores i've had at tea parties.

book of the week:

i just finished my book arts class, and one of the books i will buy as soon as i have money is this book. i just love it. it's full of journal entries and pages from people all over. some of them are the cliche magazine cut outs or dark black scribbles all over. but so many of them are truly pages of art. i've been inspired by so many of the pieces i've looked at in this book.

car of the week:
in london, right around the corner from buckingham palace i believe, i saw this wondrous marc jacobs taxi. the taxis in london are old style and awesome to begin with, and then this was covered in flowers. just precious.

artist of the week:
jacques mahe de la villegle. this piece is called jazzmen. i love it. it was in the tate modern, and it was one of my favorite discoveries. it is just tons of different ads and images in bright colors that are all torn and distorted all over this giant canvas.
as i traveled in europe and in the metros i realized where this inspiration was from, from the ads in the metro that were always torn and falling apart.

musicians of the week:

this week, after being reunited with my ipod was listening to some of my long lost NPR podcasts when i found myself listening to the bonnaroo favorites. i've heard of mumford and sons before but i suppose the name or how it was presented did not strike me as a band i needed to listen to immediately. however, after hearing a 30 second preview of the song 'the cave' i immediately found the album, and listened to all of it. it's fantastic. simply fantastic. the banjo in it fills me with such happiness. and the lyrics of this london multi-vocalist band are amazing. love 'little lion man'the album is called 'sigh no more'. please listen to it now.

creation of the week:
for my book arts class i made a book about my experience in italy.
the book is sewn onto cords, and bound with leather. and it has all my photos and journal entries in it, with tickets and pamphlets from museums and things. and then, we had to put them in boxes and so instead of just making a clamshell box i made a suitcase box. went to a goodwill bought a suitcase and made that box out of nothing. and it's like a suitcase that holds my book.

blog of the week:

i love this blog. katie, the writer is darling. she creates these adorable stuffed animals and things out of vintage fabric, and they're just precious. and expensive. and she just includes clothes that she wants or has that are cute, and she does music monday showcasing wonderful bands, and just little bits of her life. and i love it.

shoes of the week:

okay, so my dear friend jessica had saddle shoes in 2004, i remember because i've wanted them ever since.
i'm not a huge shoe person, i love them, but i don't think i've spent more than $100 on a pair of shoes, and if i'm spending more than $40 i need to really love them. and saddle shoes are expensive, but i've wanted them so much, just some cute oxfords since then. and now, low and behold they're all popular now and easily accessible. these shoes are from urban outfitters, and i think they're around $35-45. i want them.

side note:
i am done with college until january 2010. yayyyyyy.


The Titus Adventure said...

I want to steal your creativeness. And I love that blog you posted...skunkboy. :)

Danna said...

kendal! i like the new additions. i'm always looking for new blogs to read/follow. that desert looked amazing and i want saddle shoes too! i've wanted them since i was little. can't wait to see you in a week!! :)